Ionizing radiation is considered a non-threshold carcinogen. However, quantifying the risk of the more commonly encountered low and/or protracted radiation exposures remains problematic and ...
What do these represent? These are two measured dosimetric quantities that can be used to estimate the radiation risks. Gy∙cm2 is used for estimating stochastic risk to patients while mGy relates to ...
» What is meant by radiation “dose” of X rays? Radiation dose is a measure of how much energy is absorbed when something or someone is exposed to X-rays. This is important because it is this ...
Traditionally, men who chose radiation therapy for prostate cancer undergo radiation for weeks or even months. But now, in certain cases, it can be completed in less than a week. Prostate cancer ...
MSK experts have ways to deliver external beam radiation therapy that’s safe and works well: MSK Precise® MSK Precise® can treat early-stage breast cancer after a lumpectomy. This method uses a ...
The machine aims radiation beams from different positions around the body. This means the tumour gets a high dose of radiation to kill cancer cells. But the tissues near the tumour only get a low dose ...
This is different to internal radiotherapy which means giving radiotherapy to the cancer from inside the body. The radiotherapy team plans your external beam radiotherapy before you start treatment.
Professor Hans Theodor Eich and his colleagues from University of Cologne, Germany has found that lowering dose of radiation ... for their cancer, they reduced the radiation dosage from 30 Gy ...