Cambodia has a population of about 17 million people. According to the World Bank, the national poverty line in the Southeast Asian nation is 10,951 riel or US$2.7 per person per day.
Weak law enforcement, corruption, grinding poverty and the fractured social institutions left by the country's turbulent recent history have helped earn Cambodia an unwelcome reputation for child ...
Boosted by prudent macroeconomic policies and high commodity prices, Peru’s labor market, which closed the wage gap between formal and inform workers and provided higher participation rates, was the ...
Research shows that Buddhism plays an essential role in developing spirituality and reducing illiteracy and poverty in Cambodia. Thousands of Buddhist monasteries have provided shelters for thousands ...
Yet, agricultural growth has slowed down to around 1-2% in 2013-2014. A World Bank report, Cambodian Agriculture in Transition: Opportunities and Risks , co-financed by the World Bank and Australian ...