CNN’s Election Center uses pre-election race ratings for the Senate seats by Inside Elections with Nathan L. Gonzales, which provides nonpartisan analysis of campaigns for Senate, House and ...
The sun has risen on Election Day 2024, and it's a race to the finish line. Americans will be following closely to see just how near the predicted margins are in today's Presidential race, and who ...
The CNN delegate estimate reflects the results of various primaries and caucuses as well as the results of an independent CNN survey of Democratic superdelegates and unbound RNC delegates.
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In 2016, CNN had an audience of 13.3 million viewers on Election Day. CNN spokespeople touted the network’s “cross-platform ...
On the Internet, the 2016 elections have been characterized ... Democrat or Piers Morgan.” With the election looming, the viral fakery has received unprecedented attention from politicians ...
Sources: 2016 CNN election results and Measure of America County Data. Note: Red counties voted Romney in 2012 and Trump in 2016; blue counties voted Obama in 2012 and Clinton in 2016; purple ...