China Eastern Airlines was the first carrier to put the new aircraft into service. Since then, the jet has rapidly spread its wings to destinations across China as its manufacturer, the Commercial ...
因此C929的产量将有限,它远不及C919还有广大的国内市场需求。 面对如此残酷地竞争局面,C929应在“安全、舒适、经济”这三方面下足了功夫。
长沙晚报掌上长沙2月27日讯(全媒体记者 周斌 通讯员 刘志光)26日,国产大飞机C919主起落架生产线打通暨活塞杆首件交付仪式在长沙举行 ...
The launch of the Xiangwang lineup is the latest step by GAC, a long-time Chinese partner of Toyota and Honda, in navigating ...
China’s first home-grown narrowbody aircraft, the C919, has taken another step towards proving its reliability, after handling a surge in flights during the Lunar New Year travel rush.
The C919 is a narrowbody passenger plane made by state-owned Comac. After 15 years of production, China's first homegrown mainline commercial jet flew for the first time in May 2023. The flight ...
Comac’s C919, China’s first homegrown narrow-body jet and challenger to Boeing and Airbus, made its public debut at the country’s biggest aerospace and defense exhibition on Tuesday.
The C919 is China’s home-grown, narrowbody passenger jet designed to carry 158 to192 passengers and compete with Boeing’s 737 and Airbus’ A320. Built by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation ...
Over the years, Chen has played a role as the key architect in spearheading the aircraft's upgrade and series development.
China's C919 jet aims to compete with Airbus and Boeing, debuting internationally at the Singapore Airshow. The C919 faces challenges such as gaining international certification, improving range ...
So the GE9X might not be the largest commercial jet engine, or even larger than the ... on its 737 MAX line of airplanes while Comac's C919 uses the LEAP-1C engine. As of 2023, CFM International ...