The monarch butterfly's migratory journey from Canada —through Oregon — to Mexico is a breeze compared with the federal ...
A study compiled data from more than 76,000 butterfly surveys across the continental U.S. The declines seen in the last 20 ...
The Trump administration is reopening public comment on a proposed rule that would list the monarch butterfly as threatened ...
Multiple studies suggest butterflies are disappearing- but why, and what can be done? Here are some possible answers, backed by science.
The number of monarch butterflies that spent the winter in Mexico doubled this year, giving hope for a species that has faced ...
As monarch butterfly populations tragically plummet, Mesa is one of the latest cities to join in on national efforts to save ...
Half of the lepidoptera species have disappeared from various regions in Spain and Europe, while in the United States, nearly ...
The high-altitude forest here is the perfect microclimate for the species, and it’s one of the few places in the world where ...
“You can really make a difference to the local population. Any individual flower you put out it likely to get visited,” said ...
A team of more than 30 researchers analyzed 12.6 million butterfly sightings across 76,000 population surveys. They found ...
The first countrywide systematic analysis of butterfly abundance found that the number of butterflies in the Lower 48 states ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is opening a second comment period as they work to list the monarch butterfly on the ...