Sit-ups tighten and tone the abdominal muscles that run from beneath the sternum to above the pelvis. This results in a flatter stomach and, if practised along with plenty of aerobic exercise ...
If you’re a little hazy on the difference between sit-ups vs. crunches, you’re not alone. They both strengthen your core, but ...
Sit-ups often come to mind when you think about working your abs or strengthening your core. It’s one of the most old-school, well-known exercises for ab-shredding, but recently, it’s become ...
I still hear the question going around — Are sit-ups bad for you? The answer is no, depending on your unique anatomy, exercise experience, and past or existing injuries. In other words ...
If you’re bored of doing your regular sit-ups then take this as your sign to stop as, according to a personal trainer there are far better exercises out there that you can be doing.