Movement is a complex process governed by a network of neuronal circuits spread across multiple regions of the nervous system ...
Such completed maps would light the way toward new insights into brain function and disease, about which scientists still ...
At the SFU's School of Engineering Science, Medical Image Analysis Laboratory, we are working on three main goals for mapping brain structure and function: To make very detailed morphometric ...
Yet it is increasingly clear that cognitive functions cannot be pinned to spots on the brain like towns on a map. A given mental task may involve a complicated web of circuits, which interact in ...
View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. The brain is a complicated network of connections and functions, but its inner machinations remain an enigma. In a huge collaborative effort, ...
A new study sheds light on one of the most severe consequences of stroke: damage to the brain's 'cables'-- the so-called nerve fibers -- which leads to permanent impairments.