Creating a DIY Cheerios bird feeder is a simple but effective activity for kids. This craft uses basic materials like Cheerios and pipe cleaners, making it accessible and fun. Kids can thread ...
It’s important to look out for your local feathered friends and provide healthy options, adhering to the bird feeder guide provided by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).
A blue tit and a great tit on a bird feeder. You don’t have to have a ... Build a beetle bucket for your garden Try this outdoor activity with your child or teenager to help them learn about ...
Netvue Birdfy Feeder This smart bird feeder brings a flock of activity to your smartphone, delivering more notifications than any other feeder we tested. Each of those alerts includes the visitor ...
With high-quality close-up shots sent directly to your phone, we predict this wildlife gadget will be popular with birders ...
Feeding birds is a popular pastime, with many gardeners topping up bird feeders all throughout the year. But it’s not just the birds that love the food. Squirrels will also want to raid the bird ...
If you’ve noticed birds in your garden behaving unusually or signs of discarded food around your bird feeder, it's time to pay closer attention. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ...
Maintaining and observing a bird feeder throughout the winter can sound like a generous and kindly activity to help birds cope with the cold season. Though the seeds that we place on the feeder and ...