Genome editing. Immunotherapies for cancer. Big data in medicine. These 21st-century frontiers demand scientific thinkers who see beyond their disciplines. Bucknell’s cell biology/biochemistry major ...
Health and Disease (BIOL 130) Introduction to Molecules and Cells (BIOL 205) Mammalian Histology (BIOL 323) Cell Biology (BIOL 352) Heintzelman, M.B. (2015) Gliding motility in apicomplexan parasites.
All IQ Biology students participate in three, 8‐week research rotations during their first year. Students must choose three different labs in at least two different ...
Upon completion of the IQ Biology Program, students receive a Certificate in Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology from the CU Boulder Graduate School, in addition to a PhD from their degree-granting ...
The Emergent Mechanisms in Biology of Robustness Integration and Organization Institute (EMBRIO) will determine how living systems integrate chemical and mechanical stimuli to develop responsive ...
The biology: ecology and evolution immersion provides students with the opportunity to experience courses in ecology and evolutionary biology. Students complete a foundational course in ecology or ...
Synthetic biology is a relatively new field that aims to make biology easier to engineer and more amenable to rational design. As the field expands, synthetic biology may become a pervasive ...
A new review article highlights the transformative role of circular RNA (circRNA) in cancer, revealing its potential as both a key player in tumor biology and a promising avenue for future therapies.
Good to Know Bioinformatics and Computational Biology majors integrate concepts from biology, statistics, and computer science to analyze "big data" and gain deeper insights into the natural world, ...