The series' first big arc, 'The Zoo' wraps up this month with Absolute Batman #6. Following that will be a two-issue story ...
You'll see some friendly Bat characters and some fiendish Bat characters ... the big three of Absolute Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman – will be crossing over later this year.
but we hope it (bat)signals a crossover on the cards at some point. Solo big-screen outings for both heroes are in the works, with Gunn's version of Superman taking to the skies this summer in the ...
And its big test will be this summer’s Superman, which Gunn wrote and directed as the division’s inagural fim. But Gunn and Safran are not waiting to see how Superman flies before making next ...
While Batman eventually ditched his tights in favor of a darker, more militant type of body armor, Superman held strong with his second-skin suit. And although we’ve certainly seen a variety of ...
Fans were treated to their first look at Krypto in the first Superman trailer and were immediately smitten with him. It seems like Krypto will play a notable role in the film and likely be one of ...