Martha Stewart, one of the foremost American experts on domestic pursuits, knows a thing or two about planning a garden.
In support of human resource development in Member States the IAEA has established education and training programmes on active learning about nuclear technologies using the PC-based basic principle ...
The basic hydrogen atom is the simplest of all ... suggests there is a minimum amount of energy a system can exchange. And Bohr’s own principle of correspondence stated that, when the principal ...
Once a company adopts an accounting principle or method, it should stick to it so that future changes are easily compared. The financial transactions of a company and its owners should be separate ...
At the moment Parliament doesn’t accurately represent how the country votes, and leaves millions of people unrepresented. It should be a basic democratic principle that every vote matters equally.
The principle of “Palestinian People governing Palestine”, which China has put forward on the question of Palestine, is the core principle of the post-war governance of Gaza. It means that Palestinian ...