Thus began a whirlwind few months of delirium, fits ‘n’ starts, elation, resignation, and more that culminated this January when Bad Bunny released his fifth studio album, Debí Tirar Más ...
surrounding the latest entry in Bad Bunny’s already expansive catalog. As producer and frequent collaborator MAG puts it, Bunny “put all eyes on Puerto Rico” with his new album (pictured ...
"It's something that's part of me - not because I'm Bad Bunny but because I'm Benito." In a recent rundown of key takeaways on DTmF for Complex, Juan J. Arroyo and Rosy Alvarez called the album ...
By Jessica Roiz Assistant Editor, Latin Bad Bunny revealed the tracklist to his upcoming sixth studio album, Debí Tirar Más Fotos, on Friday (Jan. 3). The Puerto Rican artist — who first ...
3). By Griselda Flores Senior Editor, Latin Bad Bunny is gearing up to release his highly anticipated new studio album, Debí Tirar Más Fotos, set to drop on Sunday (Jan. 5). Ahead of that ...
Bad Bunny’s highly anticipated upcoming album "DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOTos" will ... You can purchase logo and accolade licensing to this story here. Disclosure: Written and researched by the Insider ...
Bad Bunny re-posted a viral TikTok video of Austinites jamming out to one of his popular records off the album at Pershing East on Saturday, February 22. This coffee and perreo (or reggaetón ...