From 27 B.C.E. to 180 C.E., the Roman Empire saw a period of relative tranquility and prosperity now known as the Pax Romana ...
I'm looking into the eyes of one of the most famous leaders in the history of the world - Caesar Augustus, the first Roman Emperor. We have his bronze head here in the Roman galleries in the ...
The Emperor of Rome was already the ... would see him as their supreme spiritual leader. Roman religion had many gods and spirits and Augustus was keen to join their number as a god himself.
Rumored to have killed the Roman emperor Augustus, nightshade's berries are notoriously deadly. Tomatoes belong to the same plant family, Solanaceae, and produce toxic steroidal glycoalkaloids too.
Special to The New York Times. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the ...
Lifting the curtain on the life of the controversial emperor Tiberius.
Although Augustus' approach was violent and imperial, Zuckerberg noted that world peace is "a long-term goal that people talk about today." Zuckerberg's fascination with the Roman emperor was so ...
Born Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus in A.D. 12, Caligula rose to power in A.D. 37 as the third Roman emperor. Nicknamed “Caligula,” meaning “little boots,” after the miniature soldier ...