AWE 任务在完成第 3000 次绕地球轨道后,发布了首批科学数据。这些数据包括超过 500 万张夜间气辉和大气重力波的图像,以及处理后的温度模式和气辉强度数据。 AWE 仪器被称为“中层温度高级测绘仪”(AMTM),由四个相同的望远镜组成,安装在 ...
Following the 3,000th orbit of NASA's AWE (Atmospheric Waves Experiment) aboard the International Space Station, researchers publicly released the mission's first trove of scientific data, crucial to ...
IT之家 3 月 24 日消息,科技媒体 scitechdaily 昨日(3 月 23 日)发布博文,报道称美国宇航局的“大气波实验”(Atmospheric Waves Experiment,AWE)任务取得 ...
NASA’s AWE mission just released millions of gravity wave images from space, unveiling atmospheric forces that ripple through ...
It’s part of an experiment called “AWESOME,” which seeks to observe how auroras affect Earth’s upper atmosphere.
For a better comprehension of climate change it is fundamentally important how well we understand the general condition (dynamics and chemistry) in the atmosphere. Aeolus wind measurements enable for ...
NASA will launch three rockets in Alaska for auroral research The experiment will study auroral substorms’ impact on the ...
The researchers examined 263 groups of atmospheric waves and conducted a detailed analysis of 125 of them. Three major phenomena were studied: dry ice waves, water waves, and dust storms.
Description: Space Weather Atmospheric Reconfigurable Multiscale Experiment (SWARM-EX) is a NSF-funded mission to launch three identical CubeSats into LEO to investigate advanced scientific phenomena ...