Discussion continues over whether Ardipithecus is a hominid or not ... by Meave Leakey and Alan Walker in Kenya (Australepithecus anamensis). These latter show clear signs of walking upright ...
Just look at the canines on the first human, Ardipithecus ramidus, or Australopithecus anamensis versus modern humans. In fact, our canines today are the shortest they've ever been, and the ...
Ardipithecus ramidus may have walked upright. Other fossils discovered with A. ramidus suggest that the species lived in the forest. Exhibiting some chimp-like characteristics, A. anamensis' jaws ...
The first members of the human lineage lack many features that distinguish us from other primates. Although it has been a difficult quest, we are closer than ever to knowing the mother of us all.