An alderman, a Democrat, said rents are rising due to Connecticut landlords treating housing as an investment vehicle.
'3 major priorities to help grow housing, protect apartment residents and boost accountability for housing providers.' ...
The report said the median gross rental on a two-bedroom apartment is $1,441 ... A new form of cremations has come to CT. Here’s how it works and why loved ones are choosing it.
MIDDLETOWN, CT — So, what are apartment rentals going for in Middletown these days? Here are sample monthly rates for available apartments in Middletown, courtesy of the online real estate ...
An excavator cleared land to make room for a 24-unit apartment building in Danbury where three apartment houses known as "the ...
Under a concept bill, Connecticut lawmakers consider requiring landlord registration and a temporary rent cap to address housing costs and homelessness.
“Connecticut residents of all ages need stable, sustainable rental homes—and nothing is stabilizing or sustainable about overriding leases, which is what some are proposing,” said Jessica Doll, ...