A “serendipitous” discovery offers new insights into how ecosystems can thrive beneath floating sections of the Antarctic ice ...
Researchers were working off the coast of Antarctica when it happened: a gigantic iceberg about 30km long cracked off the ice ...
In large part thanks to being in the right place at the right time, researchers discovered a thriving marine ecosystem ...
On January 13, 2025, iceberg A-84, which is roughly the size of Chicago, broke from the George VI Ice Shelf, a giant floating ...
In a statement, author Alex Dornburg, a research curator at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, says, “In an elegant twist of fate, the source area for Antarctica’s marine fish species is ...
In the frigid waters of the ocean surrounding Antarctica, fish have a special trait which allows them to survive the big chill. As scientists discovered in the 1960s, the fish have adapted by ...
(Antarctica New Zealand Pictorial Collection ... hell bent on absolutely asserting their right to fish in areas that I would argue are incredibly precious in terms of marine biodiversity ...
Near the end of the age of dinosaurs, a bird resembling today's loons and grebes dove for fish and other prey in the perilous waters off Antarctica. Thanks to a nearly complete fossil skull ...
Meanwhile, Antarctica has received relatively little ... the penguins in the southern Ross Sea switched from mainly eating one type of fish – the bald notothen – to another, Antarctic silverfish.
Türkiye's primary strategy in Antarctica is to expand its influence on the international stage through scientific research and to secure a more substantial role in future decision-making processes.
Antarctica has a range of valuable resources, such as coal, fresh water and fish. Countries may want to own Antarctica to exploit these resources.