By Elizabeth Devitt Sea ice extent is at record, and near record, lows for this time of year in both polar regions, leaving ...
Scientists using a submersible robot discovered patterns under the Antarctic ice that have never been seen before by humans.
Subglacial water in Antarctica reshapes sea level rise predictions and reveals ancient drainage flow patterns.
Melting on the Antarctic Ice Sheet for the 2024 to 2025 season began with above average melt extents in all regions, but melt ...
Kharagpur: New research on climate change published in ‘Communications Earth & Environment' — a peer-reviewed, open-access, ...
Researchers think that shifting ocean currents brought warmer seawater to the area and contributed to the collapse. The collapse raises new concerns about East Antarctica. The Conger ice shelf is near ...
On a January morning in 2025, an iceberg the size of Chicago broke free from the George VI Ice Shelf in Antarctica. It ...
Bedmap3 is the most fine-grain map to date of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice. Scientists created it using more than ...
A calving iceberg exposed a region that never before had been seen by human eyes, revealing a vibrant, thriving ecosystem ...
A new map released this week gives us a clear view of the continent as if its massive sheet of ice has been removed.
A study by a team of IIT Kharagpur researchers in collaboration with eminent atmospheric experts of globally known institutes has revealed significant findings about the rapid increase in surface ...
A pair of researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada, working with a colleague from the Scripps Institution of ...