Depending on the degree of the effects of the worms, animals fail to thrive, some become infertile and others will even abort ...
The critically endangered mountain gorilla is getting help in Uganda from the African Wildlife ... the opportunity to get up close to these animals isn’t one by car or truck.
Residents are forced to share the only available water source with animals, making it unsafe for human consumption ...
The animals, often seen roaming freely through streets, markets, and residential areas, have become a major inconvenience, disrupting traffic and businesses while also causing property damage.
A young child has died of the Ebola virus in Uganda, the second victim of an outbreak that was announced in late January, the health ministry has announced. The ministry said at least ten cases of the ...
UGANDA, — The critically endangered mountain ... While the passes are hard to come by, the opportunity to get up close to these animals isn’t one by car or truck. It’s quite literally ...