But when it comes to the many remarkable ways members of the animal kingdom keep in touch with each other ... explained that although animals may communicate with other species - for example ...
the instinct to help others in distress is deeply ingrained in human nature. And we're not alone: Various animal species have ...
Altruism among animals has also been observed, but it is not known whether animals help each other out of pure kindness, or if they do so only if they stand to gain a tangible reward. A study by ...
Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC), the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Science and Technology of China, caught the incredible act on camera ...
Since then, there have been many discoveries of animals that can think: Chimpanzees can make tools and help each other, parrots can talk, newborn chicken can calculate, dolphins can recognize ...
The most highly social animals form tightly knit colonies and include all ants and termites, some bees and wasps, and a few other organisms. Many social behaviors of animals are adaptive ...
Shark fin soup: As many as 73 million sharks are killed for their fins each year. Sharks are typically caught in open water and have their fins cut off before they are tossed back into the sea to ...
Plants make their own food with the help of sunlight ... A food chain shows how plants and animals depend on each other as their source of food. For instance, a caterpillar eats plants, mice ...
"The national shelter community comes together during times like this to help each other and make sure rescued animals have a safe place to go," the center said. YWAC said it would provide all the ...