Neighbors who objected to the plan for an animal sanctuary near Hartly got some of what they asked for from the Kent County Regional Planning Commission on Thursday, but not everything.
A Butte County wildlife sanctuary is under criminal investigation by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife over allegations of animal welfare violations. The probe follows mounting ...
The organization is now transforming the property into Freedom Fields, a sanctuary and adoption center for the former lab animals at the facility and future pets rescued from animal testing.
First State Animal Center and SPCA is proposing an animal sanctuary on 11.5 acres donated on Hartly Road east of Hartly. The land is residential and agricultural with a house, barn and pasture.
110 animals have been removed from a sanctuary in Ohio, according to a spokesperson with the Sandusky County Animal Cruelty Division. The building is owned by Dr. Laura Hirt, and is also known as ...