Cigrand, now known as the Father of Flag Day, continued to publicly advocate the observance of June 14 as the flag's birthday, or "Flag Day," for years. Just a few years later, the efforts of ...
A proclamation was made on March 29, 2012, by President Barack Obama, declaring that very day, March 29, 2012, will be “Vietnam Veterans Day.” He called on “all Americans to observe this day with ...
In early 2025, the U.S. Department of Defense removed at least two web pages related to Ira Hayes, a Native American veteran ...
A ceremony commemorating National Vietnam War Veterans Day will be held at 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 29, in front of the ...
Visitors were able to place an American flag in the Veterans Day wreath and ring a bell to honor a veteran or active member ...
"It's the traditional way to dispose of the American flags, and at the same time we’re honoring what that flag means by giving it the respect it deserves” Marc Majot says. Veterans day ...
A Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day event occurred Friday in the National Guard Armory at 1500 Blizzard Dr., south ...
"Everybody is equally represented by the American flag." Jen said while she is "very much in support" of veterans, POWs and MIAs, she thinks flying the POW/MIA flag "100 days a year is a political ...
The "long, lanky" man carrying the American flag on Decoration Day in May 1909 was a familiar sight at patriotic events in ...