including recent and contemporary American poetry. She has published two books of poetry, "Corridor" and "New Ghosts" (Borderland Books, 2008 and 2016). She was a Fellow at the Newhouse Center for the ...
Comparative literature is theoretically and methodically grounded literary research. Comparative literature focuses on the philosophical principles, theories and methods of literature, as well as on ...
Haun Saussy is Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Chicago. He has previously taught at UCLA, Stanford, Yale, the City University of Hong Kong, the Université de Paris-III, and ...
The Comparative Literature and Culture Program engages the study of literatures and cultures within and across national boundaries. It comprises the comparative analysis of literary and cultural texts ...
Lily Gurton-Wachter received her bachelor’s in literature from Bard College and her doctorate in comparative literature from the University of California, Berkeley. Her dissertation was awarded the ...
The Program in World Literatures (formerly comparative literature) enables students to learn languages and engage with at ... from geographically or ethnically distinct cultures from across the globe ...
they are also actively involved in the British Comparative Literature Association (BCLA), the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), and the American Comparative Literature ...
Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of Washington ... Rereading Abraham Cahan’s Yekl through the Lens of its Heroine," Studies in American Jewish Literature 39.2 (2020): 196-216. "From 'German ...
The American Society of Comparative Law was founded in 1951 "to promote the comparative study of law and the understanding of foreign legal systems . . . [and] private international law." The Society ...
This issue of Alif explores the relationship between literature and history. What do history and literature have to say to each other? What can literature say that history cannot, and vice versa? Do ...