AC Cars has teamed up with T-engineering for production of its Cobra GT T-engineering was founded by ex-Saab engineers and is based on the former Saab plant in Sweden AC is also building the Cobra ...
In other news, Director Diane Samantha Nicolson sold 75,000 shares of Amarc Resources stock in a transaction dated Thursday, January 23rd. The shares were sold at an average price of C$0.57 ...
The adjoining 44.5 km2 Brenda Property optioned from Canasil is surrounded on three sides by Amarc's JOY mineral tenures (Figure 1). The Brenda Property is underlain by the same highly prospective ...
In other news, Director Terrance Barry Coughlan sold 50,000 shares of Amarc Resources stock in a transaction on Monday, February 3rd. The stock was sold at an average price of C$0.64, for a total ...