Invasive ant species are becoming a problem, however, with research showing that over 500 species of ants were found in countries where they aren’t native, having hopped a ride with humans ...
They are ecologically and economically important. They make a living in various ways in almost every corner of the earth. All of this makes ants fascinating to study. We do research in several areas ...
Larvae of other ant species spin individual protective cocoons ... The rest of the time, the queen's offspring all become nonbreeding females—a fierce sisterhood of near clones that patrol ...
Sometimes, the slaves even participate with the slave-making workers in slave raids against other ant colonies of their own or closely related species. Not all slave-makers are equally adept at ...
A newly discovered ant species has a particularly moody name: Sericomyrmex radioheadi. Scientists named the fungus-farming ant to honor both the music and climate change activism of British rock ...
In their paper published in Current Biology, the group describes their study of all of the peptides found in the insect's venom. The scarlet velvet ant is very well known for its extremely painful ...
"Almost all of the caterpillars were killed during ... that adult females lay eggs only on the plant species inhabited by the right ant species. "When the eggs hatch, the ants will protect the ...