State officials are seeking Board of Game emergency action to continue a program that a judge last week ruled as ...
The bill would require designated seats on the seven-member board to represent commercial, sport, and subsistence sectors, ...
Seven months after fish died near the Kensington Mine, regulators and mine owner Coeur Mining still haven’t determined what ...
Alaska has killed more than 200 bears as part of its "intensive management" program intended to help a caribou herd.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is looking for herring in Sitka Sound ahead of the Sitka Sound Sac Roe herring fishery ...
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is taking emergency pre-season action to protect King Salmon. The ADF&G released multiple emergency orders around the Cook ...
Captain Dan Veerhusen and Jan, his wife, run the Taurus, one of the few remaining boats that still fish herring in the Bering ...
It was unmistakably a bat, the first I had seen in Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game wildlife biologist Karen Blejwas confirmed that my surprise wasn’t unfounded. Blejwas said the ...
The Mahar Fish’N Game Club Game Supper filled the Mahar Cafeteria Saturday night as both young and old enjoyed a great evening of wild fish and game, cooked to perfection, and awards and great raffles ...
Alaska Wildlife Troopers say 16-year-old Akiachak residents Brycen Lupie and Cupi Nose allegedly killed a bull moose a short ...
State regulators say the center has been out of compliance so long that they don’t expect that he’ll resolve their animal ...