Dig deep (we’re talking Hotels.com’s ‘secret deals’) and you can find savings on airfare/hotel packages or one or the other. Air Canada: You may not find the best deals, but booking directly with Air ...
To better represent its ever-growing and expansive portfolio of expertly curated vacation packages, tours and cruise options, the company officially changed its name to Air Canada Vacations in 1990.
It’s a vibrant city. The largest in Scandinavia. But when Elizabeth Munro, manager of corporate communications with Air Canada Vacations, visited Stockholm, Sweden, with her family in September ...
Air Canada has superior in-flight entertainment systems and food services. Agoda.com: Vacation rentals, top Canadian destinations and holiday packages tailored to you ... friends who love it and the ...
communications and brand director with Air Canada Vacations, is the perfect answer. “The big reason I travel is to explore, to enjoy the food, and experience the culture, the music, everything ...