This collection of Funky Facts from Go Jetters focuses on Africa, a vast continent spanning the Equator and containing more than fifty countries and many different climate zones and landscapes.
Only recently, scientists mapped the hidden continent of Zealandia located in the Southern Ocean. Africa's split "will be just another move in this giant geological playbook," said IFL Science.
Africa is a continent made up of 54 countries and boasts the second largest population in the world. All the states have their own unique histories, as well as culture and identities. Over 1,000 ...
Beige Africa, in collaboration with the KIBA Foundation, has launched a Financial Literacy Illustration Book aimed ... schools and communities across the continent. The illustrated resource ...
And millions of years in the future, there may be a new continent — because Africa is splitting. Indeed, scientists have known for the past two decades that Africa is gradually splitting apart.