Read the second part.) Dictator of a nation devoted to splendid sausages, cigars, beer, and babies, Adolf Hitler is a vegetarian, teetotaller, nonsmoker, and celibate. He was a small-boned baby ...
Perhaps the most notorious figure of the 20th century, Adolf Hitler was the head of the National Socialist German Workers Party, the Nazi Party, and became dictator of Germany from the early ...
Perhaps the most notorious figure of the 20th century, Adolf Hitler was the leader of the German Nazi (National Socialist German Workers') party and eventually became dictator over all of Germany.
Even Adolf Hitler. Yes, the personification of Evil had a relative he couldn’t stand. And that relative was an American. How did that happen? Blame it on the warped mess that was the Hitler family.
A mural showing U.S. billionaire Elon Musk peeling off his face, like a mask, to unveil Adolf Hitler underneath has been inaccurately credited online to British street artist Banksy. Photos of the ...