The following are actual responses to some of our recent submissions to the Online Writing Lab, although the names have been changed to maintain the anonymity of student writers. You can expect ...
In an illustrated story, a guest author describes how the simple act of going to the grocery store can be a nightmare for her. By Jeremy Engle What is your favorite memory of someone reading to ...
The section is still unscored, although the sample you write will be provided to admissions offices as part of your file. You will still have a wide window of dates to complete the writing sample ...
Do you want to know all about writing in academic contexts? Then you're in the right place! Get it right with your academic writing on our Go The Distance course. Try out our Academic Writing ...
Effective writing is readable — that is, clear, accurate, and concise. When you are writing a paper, try to get your ideas across in such a way that the audience will understand them ...
At the Writing and Communication Center, we help you strengthen your writing and communication skills by providing resources, workshops, and one-on-one support for all kinds of assignments and ...