小鹏XPENG早前推出全新X9纯电动旗舰级豪华MPV,港版一式两款包括今趟实地测试610 Pro长续航及702 Pro超长续航型号,同样为单马达前驱格式,前者搭载84.5kWh磷酸铁锂电池、续航力480km ...
Chinese automotive brand Xpeng has officially reached the Indonesian market by introducing two models of its electric car, ...
On November 13th, Xpeng Aeroht held a mass pre-order signing ceremony at the 15th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, where it secured a groundbreaking order of 2,008 units from ...
XPeng in October unveiled the concept of a detachable flying car model, the Land Aircraft Carrier, which adopts a split-body design featuring an extended-range hybrid vehicle that serves as the ...
在今日举行的XPeng X9发布会新闻会上,Bermaz Auto集团首席执行官Dato’ Francis Lee透露,该品牌将在“未来一年内”推出两款全新车型。